Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Why Hybrid Cars

In deed why Hybrid Cars indeed? The reason being, is that hybrid cars are the future. Gas powered automobiles are on the verge of being ushered out. Now there are already a variety of new hybrid cars already out on the market. We will be talking about how hybrid cars work, what effect they have on the environment, electric ones, hydrogen ones, an the whole lot.

I will be attempting to educate you on everything I know and learn regarding these cars. Gas prices are spiraling out of control and we definitely need to do something to help provide some relief at the pump. Gas is $4.00 a gallon where I am, and I don't know about you, but I am feeling the pain. I know that hybrid cars, may not be the solution immediately but I believe that they are a key to the solution. I don't know if they are part of the problem, because the way that hybrid cars work is simply they provide more than one way of powering the vehicle. Including currently, gasoline. Maybe one day we will have a car that runs on air

Now let me very clear in this first article. I do not believe in man made global warming. I believe the global warming cycles are cyclical. Scientist in some research I have seen have said that we have begun a period of cooling now that will last about 10 to 15 years. So I am not advocating these hybrids as a means to combat a hoax. I advoate hybrid cars, because I they are more fuel efficient. Currently they are very ugly, with the exception of the Chevy Tahoe hybrid. With the cars General Motors have in the pipeline, I think I can fairly say that they will soon be back.

I am a Chevy Man. I will only buy Chevy if I can help it. I currently drive a Chevrolet Avalanche. Before that I had a Tahoe. I have also had a Caprice Classic, which I called "The Mothership", and I had a Cavalier stationwagon. I know I have veered off topic a little bit. But you know what you are going to get from this site. Any questions, leave a comment.

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